Day Three: Pregaming Father’s Day, and The Night Market

Day Three: Pregaming Father’s Day, and The Night Market

On my daughter’s third and final FULL day here, she had an ice cream date with my dad in the afternoon. He didn’t get to see her last year when my mom and I flew to Oklahoma for a visit, so it was really important to her that they get some time, just the two of them.

While they were gone, my mom and I drove to a local chocolatier. She picked out some things, and I browsed. Then, we looped back around to the grocery store, so she could stock him up on his favorite peanut butter and jam.

That was when inspiration struck me again.

They had itty bitty gift bags made for gift cards, one of which featured an adorable black cat. So, I bought my dad a grocery store gift card and said it was a gift from Happy, the cat of mine who lives with them now (since the two cats don’t really get along when housed together).

The rest of his gifts from me and my daughter were all Sasquatch themed.

I found a very cool pop-up card featuring Bigfoot that said something like “Dads like you are hard to find.” And we gave him a pop-up birthday card that day, as well, since his birthday is coming up).

On etsy, I’d found a lucky wooden “coin” with Bigfoot burned into it, along with an inspirational message about believing in yourself even when no one else does. We helped him thread that onto his keys.

My friend had also given me a Bigfoot sticker from Door County, which I gave him, since the timing was just too perfect. He put it up on their weekly to-do bulletin board/whiteboard.

And I had a massive stockpile of Dr. Squatch soap. Kiddo and I went through what I had and picked out a few fragrances for him to try.

He has since told me it’s so nice, the other soap is hardly worth using!

So I told him Pick n Save and Walmart have it, but the real specialty fragrances are online only. He may keep buying it. We’ll see.

Then, kiddo and I zipped back over to the other side of town, because Mac’s, the Mac n Cheese shop, had a flavor of the month I was desperate to try!!!

Luau Mac, with spicy pineapple. Not sure what they spiced the pineapple with, but it was OUTSTANDING!!! Little bits of pineapple in the mac, too, along with ham and onion and such. And the cocktail umbrella! Baby Mothman was so impressed!

There was a little rain, but we persevered and headed to the IgNight Market downtown. My friend from the other night had a booth up where she was selling handmade dreamcatchers, and purses, and jewelry, etc.

First, we saw a gorgeous mural in progress. I’ll have to go back and photograph that for sure!

Then, we zigzagged through the booths, peeking at merchandise while also looking for my friend.

There was a stage magician on one side of the street, and some people dancing with fire and light-up hoops on the other side.

My friend was close to the stage. It was pretty loud there! But kiddo found a dreamcatcher she loved.

We noticed someone in a full-on monster suit and had to get a photo. I almost wish I’d had someone photograph both of us with the creature. But here she is:

We did both go in for a monster hug together, though. That was fun.

After monster mugging, we watched the magician and the fire performance for a bit after that, then checked out a table FULL of hair clips and brooches.

The vendor told us the hair clips were buy one get one half off if we both wanted one. SO… she got a silver one that looks like fishbones, and I got a gunmetal sparkly one in the shape of a ribbon. They’re hardcore, hefty metal things but don’t scrape your scalp at all. I’m really impressed with how well they hold up your hair. Been trying to scheme a way to get a photo of mine in place without assistance. Might post one later.

My daughter insisted we check out a tent full of fantasy art. LO AND BEHOLD I found MAGNETS featuring their original art!!!

Someone came up to us and asked if we wanted to make a S’more. They had roasting skewers and fire barrels all set up, and a station with graham crackers and chocolate ready to go, to help raise money for homeless youth.

The S’mores were delicious.

Kiddo then noticed a display on insects and became fascinated by the hissing cockroach. She got a pic of her hand as she was holding one, but I will spare you that LOL.

We didn’t stay to see the market darken as night fell. That’s when it’s really at its liveliest, I think, from my memories of night markets in the past. Still, it was a lot of fun.

Post-night-market, we drove to a record store that also bills itself as a UFO museum?! I’d driven past it many times, and saw a reference to it in Best of the Bay, when they were looking for votes for different establishments.

Turns out the employees previously worked at a very famous record store chain downtown where kiddo and I had bought some CDs together.

She picked out a very, very rad t-shirt with a UFO on it, advertising their business. Neon green with black graphics. And they gave us an event poster that I added to the side of my fridge:

Then, we got drive-thru and watched more Steven Universe, and finally retreated to our respective rooms to attempt sleep, before waking up at THREE AM to get her to the airport the next morning, which was an adventure all by itself.

She eventually texted that she made it through security on time (we ran late), and that the TSA guy had LOVED her cow slippers that she’d brought with and worn for the flight back.

And at one of the airports, she saw bright red neck pillows with lobsters on them? What looked like a full-size plush lobster? I called them emotional support lobsters.

She has since landed back at home. Her boyfriend, who had travelled recently by car to see his dad for Father’s Day, picked her up. They’re resting. Lots of travel had by all. Less by us here, I suppose, but still.

I napped off and on a lot but kept my phone on for all the updates, so I would know she got home safely. Which she has. And my mom just called asking me to go watch the sunset. SO… off on another adventure! Ta-ta!

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All the Bright and Sparkly Things

A gratitude blog to boost positivity

