Daily writing prompt
What’s your definition of romantic?

I picked the title of this post because it’s a decent David Bowie song. But it does apply. I feel like many of the things I consider romantic are fairly modern? Others may be timeless.

Also, I tried my hand at 3 different designs for Oracle Cards tonight and didn’t feel satisfied enough with any of them to share. So, here I am. One more post before bed. Waiting for the storm to roll in.

EDIT TO ADD: Looks like I kind of read the question wrong? Were they looking for more of a definition-definition? I gave examples. Alas.

Let me also add… breathy, suggestive, or moan-like sounds in songs. Trent Reznor, Marc Bolan, Peter Steele… le swoon! PJ Harvey. Tori Amos. You get the idea.


  • hand-delivered flowers, later pressed between the pages of a book or hung to dry, creating a maudlin keepsake
  • poetry written for one’s beloved
  • songs performed for the benefit of one’s intended partner
  • sharing playlists
  • trading memes
  • spending a rainy afternoon in bed together napping
  • creating a blanket and pillow fort/nest on the floor and watching movies while cuddling and eating popcorn
  • managing to complete a challenging crossword together
  • late night snack runs at the grocery store, feeling domestic
  • sharing my art with someone who truly appreciates it and doesn’t dismiss it
  • If my partner is also a creative, sharing our work with each other non-competitively– inspiring one another to make more.
  • Surprising an ongoing partner with something new about me, be it different hair, alternate home decor, or a fresh tattoo (but never one about them)
  • Experimenting with cosmetics and clothing to shift my eye color– self-love as romance
  • Selfies!!!
  • Candle Light
  • The Golden Hour outdoors (that sweet spot before dusk when everything turns gold– some of the buildings at my first college were spectacular in that light because the brick was a bit gold-toned to start).
  • husky voices, masculine knowing laughter, like how one guy laughed deep in his throat, when I hovered near his face close enough to kiss him but hesitated in his face to make him want it more.
  • making out– a lost art
  • the thrill of a relatively harmless thunderstorm, shared with a partner or solo (The storm here has started.)
  • poetry in general, novels full of sensory detail that sweep me away
  • When I did smoke, someone lighting my cig or bumming me one or sharing theirs with me, especially when it’s their last of the pack. It is a very, very unhealthy habit, but I have leftover warm and fuzzy memories of smokers of yesteryear.
  • A healthier addiction to share– lingering in coffee shops, or bookstore cafes, sipping something caffeinated
  • Sharing reading recommendations
  • Texting rapid-fire long-winded style conversations into the wee hours
  • Being treated to a meal by a current or prospective partner
  • Walking and talking
  • Listening to music together, and just chillin and vibing
  • That moment when you find yourself lost in someone else’s eyes
  • Thoughtfulness, basic kindness displayed over time, having someone check in with me to make sure I’m okay, especially if they sense I might not be
  • Painting- It’s a very sensual activity. There’s also a great scene in the movie Backbeat where painter Stuart Sutcliffe presses his lover against some art in progress, as they’re kissing passionately and embracing, about to make love. “What about the painting?” she asks. “F*** the painting,” he answers. Making art inspired by love, making love inspired by art, the chaotic beauty of it all.
  • Speaking of movie quotes… sharing filmic references with one another. A girlfriend once quoted a Ewan McGregor movie at me. Had we watched it together? Maybe we had. It was some epic dialogue. The female lead invites him up for coffee. “I don’t drink coffee,” he answers. “That’s okay, I haven’t got any.” She replies.
  • Trading photographs. Cool things we saw recently.
  • Swapping adventure stories. What awesome thing did you discover recently? Where have you been lately?
  • Someone who can make me laugh, because I love to laugh.

I could go on, but I’m getting sleepy. Still. Fairly extensive list. I may be cantankerous about online dating, but I like to think of myself as a romantic at heart. Perhaps more the literary romantic variety than the pop culture meaning of the term? Maybe.

Now, I pose a question of my own, inspired by something I found on Canva, and by the romantic movie scenes I mentioned above. If you’re romancing someone with a movie, what movie would you pick? OR if you’re just showing yourself some romantic self-love, what are you watching?

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All the Bright and Sparkly Things

A gratitude blog to boost positivity

