Solo Adventures AHOY!!!

Solo Adventures AHOY!!!

So! I managed to get the cat mostly shampooed. She hated every minute of it. Treats helped a bit. She looks a bit nicer now. Probably smells better. I got the fancy like coconut berry cat shampoo or something. LOL. Nothing but the best!!!

Still plenty to do around here, but I was starting to get really down, and kind of restless. Tired, but restless. If that makes sense. And I knew I had a package to pick up on the other side of town. I decided to give myself until roughly 6:30 to make up my mind on if I was going or not. Took me a bit longer than that, but I headed out to the car. Felt okay.

It’s hard for me to tell sometimes what is anxiety that I should just breathe through and push past and what is legitimate concern. Like, I was a bit tired. I woke up a few times here and there. And I got up for good fairly early, for me. But I was still safe to drive. It just felt far. Psychological.

And maybe part of me wants to make sure that I am balanced and good to go with a new medication in my system. Because who knows? I don’t tend to play well with antidepressants. It’s always a gamble, changing up the med cocktail. My nurse did reassure me, however, there were good odds in favor of this one.

I get myself so worked up about stuff, I swear…BUT…. moving on.

I feel a wee bit guilty about spending some money on fun things today, but I’m trying to remind myself of the adage about bread and roses. And I FINALLY bought a book and a coffee drink and lingered in a cafe for a little bit. Just as I dreamed.

In order… here’s what happened.

The shop that had my online order was closing first, of all the places I wanted to visit. So, I headed there first.

The employees complimented me on my back piece tattoo (what they could see of it, though the back of the dress I have on is a little dippy)… and on my vibe. Tie dye dress paired with a very hippie/boho bag I think came from an awesome new agey shop in the mall here. And my perpetual triquetra necklace, from the same shop.

I almost gave up hope for the earrings on Final Sale that I had seen the last time I picked up an online order. They weren’t where I had seen them last. None of the final sale was. Had they sold through all of it? Maybe!!!

Then, as she went to the back to grab my package, I saw another jewelry display. There they were! And when she rang them up, they came up as part of the special sale on jewelry even though they were already clearanced!!!

SO… those adorable earrings I have on in the pic? Under $3. And Nickel free.

And I exchanged some pleasant chit-chat with someone smoking just outside the shop, as I walked to my car.

Then, I went to get some Meltaway candy bars at a local chocolatier, because they had an anniversary sale going. Buy 2 Get 1 Free. The cashier there immediately recognized my Mothman keychain and said she had one too. She called us twins. It was cute.

THEN with candy bars in hand, tucked into the boho bag, I ventured to the bookstore. I had intended to pick up Bluets, even though I’ve already read it (I still might, eventually… but tonight, I didn’t see it).

What caught my eye INSTEAD was a book all about feminism and womanhood and the underworld and Tarot and Persephone, full of poetry and full-color art. OMG I was immediately in LOVE!!!

So, I got that, instead, and a coffee drink.

I didn’t linger SUPER long in the cafe because it was edging closer and closer to closing time… and it was nearly sunset. I wanted to grab dinner and get home before dark.

I nearly told the barista about my Master’s thesis on Underworld journeys and how much this book seemed to resonate with me, but I hesitated. That’s okay.

From THERE, I drove back to my side of town and snagged a free Happy Meal with my rewards points. My inner child was ecstatic. And it was just enough food.

Anyway, I feel like this book could be really inspiring and helpful.

Still need to find my poetry/collage book again, and work through more of my To Be Reads. But that’s okay. One thing at a time.

Still a bit of a lonely feeling when I came home to the cat, even with her charmingly trying to steal my fries.

I did finally reach out to kiddo before I headed out adventuring.

I also shared some of my adventures with her and told her “wish you were here.” She said “me, too,” and I fleetingly hoped she was considering coming back home for a spell.

But I don’t think that’s meant to be. Her life might not be easy all the time, but she seems content with it. She’s built a good found family. I wouldn’t want to deprive her of that, no matter how much I miss her.

I just found the most delightful mp4 video template on Canva. The message was “it’s time to weave some of your magic.” Aw. Waking up from emotional hibernation. Making things. Coming back to life. Healing. Good stuff.

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All the Bright and Sparkly Things

A gratitude blog to boost positivity

