Color you unsurprised?

Color you unsurprised?
Daily writing prompt
Do you have any collections?

Do I have any collections?

At one point I had a collection of matchbooks, numbered and catalogued. That was more when I was growing up, though.

My greatest collective claim to fame these days would be my books. The featured image is the prettiest of my three bookshelves. One of those is a set of repurposed storage cubbies. BUT back to the bookcase I AM sharing…

A discerning eye may notice decor for autumn, Halloween, and Christmas. I leave those out all year. I also have a year-round gold sequined sign that reads “MERRY” in front of my TV, because it was a gift from a friend, and because you can be merry whenever.

I suppose I could look into acquiring more Buddhas, since I have a Buddha head, a couple statues, and some poster and canvas art. For now, however, books it is.

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All the Bright and Sparkly Things

A gratitude blog to boost positivity

