The Chocolate of my Dreams

The Chocolate of my Dreams
Daily writing prompt
Describe your dream chocolate bar.

This prompt, “Describe your dream chocolate bar,” surfaced an unexpected memory…

MANY years ago, I was browsing some romantic products… not sure which company? I think they had honey dust and similar things, as well, but what captured my imagination was a solid bar of chocolate shaped like a bar of soap. Contoured to slide smoothly over your skin.

You’d take a partnered shower and allow the bar to melt in the steam and hot water, eating it off one another.

I’m guessing you might wash traditionally before and after with regular soap or body wash. Feels like most people would prefer it that way.

At one point, I nearly sent one to my high school best friend, because I think at the time, I had no use for it but thought it sounded fun. And our friendship has definitely had some flirty moments where something like that wouldn’t seem wrong. But the shipping to wherever she was living at the time was pretty outrageous. I think it was Hawaii?

Casual searching rounded up some links for bars that help moisturize you, but none that are also intended to be edible. I have heard cocoa is great for the skin, however, and own a Chocolate Frosting-flavored lip balm with actual cocoa in it.

Anyway, that was my first concrete thought in relation to this prompt. Prior to just now, it hadn’t sparked a single idea.

This entire train of thought also reminded me that I had ordered myself an illustrated copy of the Kama Sutra. The introduction mentioned that some translations skipped passages toward the beginning including the importance of playful objects in the bedroom, like a “toy cart.” Not a cart of adult toys. A literal toy cart. Something to bring childlike joy.

I don’t remember how deeply I delved into that book or if I still have it. Many, many books have passed in and out of my life.

That toy cart is a pretty memorable image, though.

While we’re here… an update from today’s earlier post:

I drank a LOT of water. Which was good.

I bounced back a little bit mentally.

Found out we have a cafe within driving distance that serves beignets and breakfast jambalaya and coffee with chicory and cafe au lait and so many good Creole and just generally yummy sounding things… and that it has a satellite location of a local bookstore attached to it.

I’m hoping to stop there with kiddo when she visits. I also mentioned it to a friend, who wants to go with us, if it’s just me and kiddo.

We’ll see. I know kiddo wanted to head up that way with my mom and a little further north, to see a souvenir shop and beg for cute tees.

But I had also asked kiddo about visiting a man-made beach along the way there, which seems less like something my mom would want to do. The cafe is open rather early. We could head up there for breakfast then stop at the beach coming back, then go home.

As I said, we’ll have to wait and see how it all pans out. Beachy stuff depends on decent weather and warm temps, too.

BUT kiddo has a lead on a possible job!!!

They asked for good times to call her and sent a questionnaire for her to fill out. It would start July 8th so no conflict with her travel plans to come here. Their attendance policy for the first 90 days seems pretty strict, but hopefully she can make it work, if she gets it.

So far, so good. She can still come up. And she’s arriving in a week.

I’m still having some really rough ups and downs, however, I think because I struggle a great deal when left alone for too long.

It’s just too hard.

After my bounce-back, I crashed all over again.

Oh, and if anyone is curious, I did turn my phone back on once I’d finished posting the previous entry. Messages replied to; all was right with the world once more. I just needed to be a bit more patient and stop watching the kettle, so to speak.

And it sincerely helped to take some time to vent, deep breathe, vibe to some music, etc.

SO… what can we conclude about me and my dream chocolate bar? I’m still pondering the shower as yet untaken today… Pretty toasty in here. It would help me cool off. Still tryna work up my nerve.

Also… maybe just maybe it’s time to try dating again? And hope I don’t fall for another charmingly toxic beautiful creature? Am I up to the risk? I’m not certain.

Speaking of which I saw a great meme today. “For every guy out there who doesn’t treat you right, there are five more vaguely similar guys who also won’t treat you right but will feel different at first.” I felt so SEEN!!! LOL.

Honestly, even a really distracting crush would be amazing. It wouldn’t have to turn into anything concrete. I just miss feeling swept away by my emotions in a more positive sense. Inspired and on fire.

And…apparently I am like 5 or so seasons behind on Archer. Watched a smidge of that. The ones where Archer is dreaming he’s a PI in Los Angeles. Very film noir. Good times.

One last parting chocolate pic. Good night.

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A gratitude blog to boost positivity

