Summer (Gratitude) Vibes

Summer (Gratitude) Vibes

My daughter called a moment ago. We talked a bit more about what her boyfriend thought of his souvenir gift tees, and her travel adventures, and how my day had gone.

We ended the call, saying our I Love You’s, and then suddenly, she was calling again! I figured it must’ve been a butt dial or something.

“Did you mean to call me again just now?”

“Yeah, I just had one last thing I wanted to say. I appreciate how well you’re taking my departure. I see it, and I appreciate it.”

WELL let me tell you that made me so happy I cried a little.

The whole apartment feels lived in again, by more than just myself and the cat. There are adventuring souvenirs scattered about, but not in an untidy way.

When she was here, and I know this will sound VERY dramatic, the whole episode of me crying and us talking everything out, reminded me of Practical Magic.

The movie version, when Sally is heartbroken, and her sister Gillian pops back into her life for a brief visit. Gillian can’t stay, but she rejuvenates her sister with some needed perspective and unconditional love. Grief, not depression, but hey, it’s a metaphor. Keep an open mind.

Kiddo was very much, hey, I am concerned, this looks bad, let’s see what we can do about it. She listened and seemed to see my point of view in a different light.

And even with ALL OF THAT and having to face someone else’s honest appraisal of my mental health dilemma, we still packed so many adventures into our time together.

My heart is still somewhat a mystery to me. Who knows if what I need is a one-in-a-million monogamous romance?

HOWEVER… this past weekend has me believing in myself again, feeling self-love, wanting to make some changes… I know she’s not the only one who loves me, but she’s definitely “one in a melon.”

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All the Bright and Sparkly Things

A gratitude blog to boost positivity

