Beach Vibes Only

Beach Vibes Only

We did, indeed, make it to the beach yesterday. I got a little burnt in spite of sunscreen that’s supposedly sweat proof and waterproof (though we didn’t swim… just dipped our feet. The water was a little icky). But look at this view!!!

We listened to the waves crash against the shore, and watched dragonflies zip around through the air above us, and sat and talked for 3 whole hours! No wonder I got a bit pink.

Another of her friends joined us at that point. We lingered a little longer, but everyone was hungry. The restaurant my friend had in mind for us was closed for renovations, but a quick search for restaurants on my Maps app found us a nice pub and grill with an average 4 star review on Yelp.

They were rather busy, but the food was quite tasty when it arrived. I had a Philly wrap (steak– though they also offered it with chicken), and fries. And I drank a god-awful amount of diet soda yesterday, but I tried to get some water in, too. I was tired and had to drive. The caffeine helped some. It made for a long day, even if the beach wasn’t that far out of town.

My back is still a bit iffy. I probably should’ve taken some generic Tylenol at bedtime to keep it more limber when I woke up. I suppose I could have it looked at or check about doing more physical therapy or something… I have so much to do. It’s overwhelming.

HOWEVER….. I got out of town. I DROVE on roads I’ve never driven before. I adventured. I got fresh air and sunshine. All things to be thankful for. And there’s no rule that I can’t do something fun today as well as get some things done. Hoping to carry my mellow-chill beach vibes into today.

The time went by so fast. But it was a really great day.

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All the Bright and Sparkly Things

A gratitude blog to boost positivity

