Divorced Dads Air Guitar Anonymous

Divorced Dads Air Guitar Anonymous

I was all set to just kinda I dunno maybe sulk and be sad about this and that tonight, when Spotify hit me with Divorced Dad Rock Guitar Friday Evening, which I combined with an Air Guitar Rock Party playlist… and christened “Divorced Dads Air Guitar Anonymous.”

Kiddo insisted I add some Nickelback to it, as that is apparently PEAK divorced dad music… so I did. Two songs. For flavor.

Listening to it now. It may need a bit more Chili Peppers, however. I think all it has now is “Dani California” and “Give It Away.” Which maybe are the divorced dad-est Chili Peppers songs out there… but still. I really really love the Chili Peppers.

There are a few female artists remaining from the carryover from Air Guitar Rock Party, but I think that’s okay. Who’s to say divorced dads don’t sometimes listen to babes of rock?

Feelin’ pretty rockin’ tonight, in the final pair of new jeans that just arrived in the mail today. So I’ll have multiple plain blue jeans I can wear to work. Otherwise the rest of my jeans (furreals) have leopard print, black sequins, jewels, distressing, or lace on them. I guess my denim collection is pretty rockin’ too.

Headed home, I spied a younger, slim biker dude, and I felt a sudden PANG that I’m not a young, skinnier 20-something booktok girl. Because I think from what I read in a chat thread, there was some overlap between booktok and biketok hashtags at some point, and the biker bois went a bit nuts for the romance loving booktok grrrls (and maybe vice versa). If I were in my 20’s now, I could see all that interesting me. At least, that’s what I thought I had heard?

(not my photo below… added for visual appeal)

I’ve been reading a lot of poetry lately, but I did just finish a romance the other night. Really enjoyed it too. But I’m not on tiktok, and I don’t think I really fit that mold.

I have a backlog of books to take a peek at, some romance, some not… and today, I bought Wild Mind: Living the Writer’s Life by Natalie Goldberg for Kindle because I could get it for under 50 cents before tax. I do love the way her mind works. Big fan of Writing Down the Bones.

Had also somewhat-recently nabbed her book on visual art as a means of reigniting creativity for writing, from when she experimented with painting.

But yeah. I guess I get it? Maybe I need to shift gears in visualizing my target demographic dating-wise. LOL.

Kiddo told me just the other day that there may be that ONE person out there who “looks like a god and will take you to art museums and bookstores” but that I shouldn’t be trying to find THAT person specifically. I dunno. We’ll see.

Maybe this time next year, I’ll be air guitaring with a divorced dad. HA! I suppose anything is possible. And I will grant that there’s nothing inherently uncool about having kids. Billy Idol, for Pete’s sake. He’s a dad. Moving on…

I’m not certain there is such an easy answer to my heart’s question marks. But I guess I am mostly alright on my own for the time being, browsing dating apps with lukewarm interest, spending my free time with friends and indulging creative projects, etc.

I will at least TRY to bear in mind, however, that I may not know who would fit me best, if anyone, and what form that relationship may take.

OOOOOOOH Zeppelin’s “Kashmir” just came on. Caught that on FM radio driving home tonight. Probably one of my faves of theirs, along with “Immigrant Song” (and I love the Trent Reznor cover of that one, too).

Mkay, gotta strategize the rest of the evening. Because I’m not ready to quit just yet. Maybe because I had a caffeinated Sparkling Ice first thing when I got home LOL. But also because I feel pretty good, unexpectedly (tho the caffeine certainly didn’t hurt… I once said I could maintain a good mood indefinitely if given adequate caffeine).

A quick search of “Good Vibes” on Pexels directed me to an account suggesting “Buy Some Good Books” or “Read Good Books” lol… we’ll see if I’m in a reading mood.

However, wishing you all good vibes heading into the weekend. Visualizing it sprawled out before me, like a thrilling urban landscape.

Grateful as always for my technicolor imagination, and inspirational fuel in whatever form it may take, good tunes, and ice-cold caffeine. Especially that last one, as it was the VERY LAST can I had on hand. Will have to get more. And maybe see about some adventuring tomorrow or Sunday.

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All the Bright and Sparkly Things

A gratitude blog to boost positivity

